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AUC offers a Bachelor's (Honours) degree programme in the liberal arts and sciences, taught in English, and open to both Dutch and international students. You can design your own study programme within the sciences, social sciences and humanities. Whether your passion is climate change, public health, culture, AI or another global issue, at AUC you can start making your vision a reality. Each year we welcome 300 highly motivated students to live and learn at our vibrant campus in Amsterdam East. Will you be one of them?
Watch our short animated video for a brief introduction to Amsterdam University College, including an overview of the curriculum, student population, the location, what subjects students study and the type of degree earned.
Watch a short animated video for an introduction to AUC

Do you want to study Liberal Arts and Sciences?

Studying at AUC means:

  • Opportunities to follow courses on a wide variety of subjects
  • Small international classes with personal attention and interaction with lecturers
  • Substantial freedom in designing your own study programme
  • Support and advice from a personal tutor on planning your study programme
  • A focus on far-reaching themes and real-world problems in science and society
  • Learning about the relationships between fields of knowledge, as well as building specialist knowledge in the subjects that interest you most
  • Advancing your personal and social development in addition to your intellectual skills

The AUC Liberal Arts and Sciences programme is therefore different from traditional, single subject, university programmes. The AUC programme places particular emphasis on: 

  • Academic skills

    The AUC academic programme offers you many opportunities to work, both independently and with fellow students, on projects that require the integration of knowledge with skills in analysis, discovery, problem-solving and communication. You will engage in active learning and research based on your own questions, so that you can develop your academic and personal skills as you learn the arts of inquiry, innovation and design.

  • Integrating insights

    Many of the most important issues facing society today are too complex or wide-ranging to be dealt with using the knowledge and methodology of a single subject area. The AUC programme places a great deal of emphasis on teaching you how to integrate insights from different perspectives, and to work across the traditional boundaries between subjects and fields. AUC offers several courses that allow you to examine twenty-first century questions and challenges from a variety of perspectives and teach the skills needed to do so. The programme structure also ensures that you take courses outside of your major to become familiar with different disciplines. Starting in the 2024-2025 academic year, AUC will also launch six course constellations. These constellations will show students unexpected connections between courses offered in the different majors and encourage interdisciplinary exploration (for inspiration purposes). 

  • Intercultural competences

    In accordance with the best traditions of a Liberal Arts college, the AUC programme embodies a broad education that encourages personal reflection and critical engagement. AUC is not just about taking courses and developing your intellectual skills, it is also about your personal and social development. You will develop your abilities to interact with people from different social and cultural backgrounds. You will also have opportunities to study abroad and/or take up an international internship or community project.

    AUC's location in the city of Amsterdam provides the perfect environment for a programme that will emphasise European and world issues rather than more traditional national ones. AUC is an international college, with students of many different nationalities and backgrounds, and the programme is built around topics that are essential to understanding the world today and the processes shaping it, such as urbanisation, technological development, democratisation, migration and religion.

  • Scientific reasoning

    At AUC we believe it is essential that students are encouraged and taught to think critically, and to develop strong academic skills. This includes scientific reasoning - not just basic mathematical, statistical and computational skills (although these are important), but also a familiarity with scientific methods in general.

    You will be challenged and stretched to ensure you are skilled in rational and logical thinking and reasoning, and familiar with the development of hypotheses, testing them and changing them if results demand it. The Academic Core curriculum provides mathematical methods courses and required logic courses to support the acquisition of these skills. Particular attention will be given to ways in which scientific reasoning and scientific facts are translated into public policy and public debate.

  • Community engagement

    AUC is not an island, but connected closely to the surrounding community in the multicultural city of Amsterdam and also to the world at large. AUC emphasises students' personal and social responsibility both inside and outside the classroom. You will therefore be expected and encouraged to become actively involved in community projects and real-world challenges, including in-company internships, where you will get the chance to test theories you have learned in the classroom.