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AUC has a Pre-Law Track that incorporates existing AUC law track courses. If a student completes the mandatory and elective courses in this track, and meets the Dutch language requirements, they will be admissible to the pre-master programme UvA-AUC ‘Civiel Effect’ Fast-track Law Bachelor (LLB) Programme.
AUC Pre-Law courses
  • 1. Five mandatory courses (30 EC)
    • 200 level:
    1. Principles of Private Law (6 EC)  
    2. Constitutional and Administrative Law (6 EC)  
    3. International Law  (6 EC)
    • 300 level:
    1.  European Union Law (6 EC)
    2.  Criminal Justice Systems (6 EC)
  • 2. Three elective law courses (18 EC in total)

    Choice of three AUC course (cross-)listed courses in the law track from the following:

    • 100 level:
    1. Law, Society and Justice (6 EC)
    • 200 level:
    1. Environmental Law and Policy (6 EC)  
    2. Human Rights Law and Politics (6 EC)
    • 300 level:
    1.  Corporate Social Responsibility (6 EC)
    2.  Global Environmental Governance (6 EC)
    3. Legal and Social Philosophy (6 EC)
    4.  Artificial Intelligence, Technology, and the Law (6 EC)
  • 3. Capstone thesis with a legal focus (ideally supervised by a legal scholar) (12 EC)

View the 'AUC Pre-Law Track Info Sheet' for complete information

UvA-AUC ‘Civiel Effect’ Fast-track Law Bachelor (LLB) Programme

AUC, in collaboration with the Faculty of Law of the University of Amsterdam (UvA), offers the opportunity for (Dutch-speaking) AUC students with an interest in a legal career in the Netherlands to participate in the one-year UvA-AUC ‘Civiel Effect’ Fast-Track Law Bachelor (LLB) Programme upon completing the AUC Pre-Law Track.  To practice law as an attorney, public prosecutor or judge in the Netherlands, and be admitted to the Dutch bar, requires the special qualification of ‘civiel effect’.

Dutch speaking AUC students that have completed the AUC Pre-Law Track will be able to obtain a Bachelor of Laws diploma (LLB) in a fast-track, one-year programme at the UvA Faculty of Law. In combination with a relevant Dutch law Master’s degree, this will grant graduates the qualification of ‘civiel effect’.