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The AUC tutoring system is designed to establish and maintain an individual connection between each student and a member of the teaching staff serving as their tutor.

Tutors at AUC

The role of tutors at AUC involves advising students on academic choices and integration into the AUC community. Tutors may also be among the students' teachers, though this is not always the case. Once admitted to AUC, students are assigned a tutor who supports them in their transition to university and helps with decisions regarding their study programme in the first year.

Tutors assist students in selecting courses for their second and third years, leading up to the Capstone, and pay particular attention to ensuring that the programme aligns with the students' future ambitions.

Students can discuss the breadth and depth of their major with their tutor, receive advice on choosing more specialised areas of study and explore how to utilise electives to enhance their studies. Tutors also help assess whether the chosen courses meet the requirements for any Master’s programme the student plans to pursue after graduating from AUC.

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