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The ASF offers multiple sponsorship opportunities for public and private organisations to help structurally support the next generation of talent at AUC.

Sponsors of the AUC Scholarship Fund

The ASF is sponsored by both public and private organisations. Current ASF sponsors include:

  • VU Amsterdam
  • University of Amsterdam
  • Royal Schiphol Group
  • AUC Student Association (AUCSA)  
  • AUC Alumni Association (AUCAA)

Options for sponsoring and contributing to the ASF

There are several ways to become a supporter of the AUC Scholarship Fund. To find out more, please send an email, or have a look at the drop-down menus below.

  • 1. Flexible scholarship donation

    Support local and international students wishing to study at Amsterdam University College. The donation in this scheme would consist of a three-year commitment, with the amount open for discussion.

  • 2. Establish a named scholarship

    Donors can show commitment to aiding the development of the global leaders of tomorrow and simultaneously promote their brand. The name of the fund can be decided by the donor, who may also request certain conditions for application. The minimum donation for a named scholarship is EUR 15000 per year for a minimum of three years.

  • 3. Partner scholarship

    This option is meant for foundations, grant-makers and non-profit organisations that are interested in offering a joint scholarship with the ASF. In this partnership scheme, AUC will co-sponsor the scholarship. The scholarship size and conditions are negotiable and can be tailored to suit the partner’s interest, financial capacity, and terms and conditions of the donation. 

ANBI Designation

The Stichting AUC Scholarship Fund (ASF) is designated as an ANBI (Public Benefit Organisation) in the Netherlands since 1 January 2015. An ANBI is a church, religious, charitable, cultural, scientific or other institution that serves the general interest of society. Donations of goods or money to an ANBI may be tax-deductible for the donor. ANBIs are required to publish certain information and the ASF has gathered this information in a single document for your convenience, and also in a standard form provided by the Dutch Tax Office. You can find more information on the "About the ASF" page via the link below.