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Representatives from exchange partners participating in the UvA Partner Day are invited to visit AUC and the UvA Faculty of Sciences from 15.00 to 16.00 for a tour of the facilities and to meet staff members.
Event details of AUC at UvA Partner Day 2023
22 September 2023
15:00 -16:45

UvA Partner Day: 22 September

The University of Amsterdam's Partner Day is a chance for all invited exchange partners to visit the various University of Amsterdam's campuses and meet staff members before the EAIE (European Association for International Education) Conference in Rotterdam from 26 to 29 September.

AUC during UvA Partner Day

On 22 September, exchange partners of AUC are invited to visit the campus to see where their students live and learn while studying abroad. This is also a chance for members of the international offices to meet in person and share exciting updates about developments in the academic programme that may be of interest to future students. 






Welcome by International Offices of the UvA Faculty of Science and AUC

Central hall of Science Park 904


Tour of Science Park campus 

Leaving from Science Park 904


Tour of AUC Academic Building

Science Park 113


Faculty of Science

  • Information about the UvA Faculty of Science exchange programme


  • Introduction of AUC study programme by Dr. Erinç Sailor (Head of Studies for Humanities)
  • Information about the AUC exchange programme by Ms. Marliene Stolker (Internationalisation Officer)

Faculty of Science

Science Park 904 


Science Park 113 / Room 1.02


Closing drinks

Cafe Polder / Science Park 201


Amsterdam University College (AUC)

Science Park 113
1098 XG Amsterdam